Available Packaging / Shelf Life :

Glass Jar         : 220 g (7.8 oz) / 18 months

Sachet             : 60 g ( 2.1 oz) / 12 months

Pot Pouch       : 900 g (31.7 oz ) / 12 months

Bumbu Ayam Rujak

Chicken in Rujak Seasoning Paste 

Ingredients :

Shallot, Garlic, Chilli, Galangal, Ginger, Lemongrass, Candlenut, Salt, Sugar, Vegetable Oil, Flavour Enhancer (E621), Preservative (E202).

Cooking directions:

  • Prepare 600 g chicken cutlets, ½ jar (110g) of this seasoning paste, 300 ml water, & 150 ml instant coconut milk OR 450 ml coconut milk made from ½ (220 g) grated coconut.
  • Cook all ingredients with low heat for 30 mins. Continue to stir as needed to make sure it cooks evenly or until the sauce is fully absorbed & thickened.

Optional :

Grill the chicken on a grill pan or griddle. Brush with the sauce and grill until crisp and charred.

Store in dry place with lid secured. Refrigerate after opening to extend shelf-life (recommended).

Komposisi :

Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih, Cabai, Laos, Jahe, Sereh, Kemiri, Garam, Gula, Minyak Nabati, Penguat Rasa (E621), Pengawet (E202).

 Aturan Memasak :

  • Siapkan 600 g potongan ayam, ½ botol (110g) bumbu ini, 300 ml air, & 150 ml santai cair instan ATAU 450 ml santan kental dari ½ butir (220g) kelapa parut.
  • Masak seluruh bahan dengan api kecil selama 30 menit sambil dibolak-balik hingga kuahnya menyerap dan mengental.

Opsional :

Panggang ayam di wajan panggang. Olesi ayam dengan kuah dan panggang hingga sedikit hangus dan terbakar.

Tutup rapat dan simpan di tempat yang sejuk dan kering. Simpan di dalam kulkas setelah dibuka untuk masa simpan yang lebih lama.

PD. Setia Makmur Mandiri
(+62)21 46836194
[email protected]

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